Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Class Summary 9/28/11

Circular Flow& Mercantilism's End

Factor Market: payments between individuals and firms; requires input of machines, labor, effort, etc. to produce goods
Goods Market: people obtain factors (products, services, etc.) from businesses and exchange money for them


  • Believed that allowing children to work on the farm was worthless, when in actuality, their attention to craft and tool innovation increased production
  • Thought that craft construction was a leisure activity
  • Asserted the idea that people should be able to keep the produce from their own farms
  • Believed that the source of wealth was production
Scottish Moral Philosophers
  • Thought that people were inherently good --> private choice and social virtue were in harmony
  • Believed that good economics were about more than prudence
  • Were highly concerned with economic growth
  • Hume: One of the most famous SMPs, and most widely read author of the founding fathers
    • Asserted that economics weren't (and aren't) a social construct & that economics can survive on its own without the guidance of the king
    • Established that the source of wealth is NOT agriculture
    • Suggested a specie-flow mechanism: more money chasing the same amount of goods means that prices rise; also governs the law of one price: amount of money vs. goods & services available 
    • Determined that the main driver behind economic growth was/is commerce because prices around the world will adjust
      • Acknowledged that jealousy of trade could be an issue, but it won't be because:
        • Competition forces innovation and improvement of goods and services --> lights a fire under native populations
        • Trade promotes learning and education on betterment of products
        • Division of labor doesn't exist without trade
          • Mass market investments in technology make sense because they cause innovation as well as incentivize people to divide labor to create more products --> economics of scale
  • Believed that all trade was zero-sum and that wealth was fixed --> if one nation becomes rich by trading with another then the latter must be poorer
  • Thought that sources of wealth were gold in the treasury, the wealth of kings, and positive balance of trade
  • Balance of trade was achieved by allowing the king to control trade so that gold could come into the country, but would never leave it --> restrict imports & promote exports
  • It was important for them to produce more gold so that they could fund a war and excel in combat
  • Thought that free trade shouldn't exist because individuals have private interests that don't coincide with social interests

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